PLAT!NUM PARK is a clothing brand that has a goal to inspire others to live a life beyond what they can imagine and “Stop living like their coming back.” Creative Director, Audrè Dabney, strives to bring awareness to the importance of living life to the fullest and taking advantage of the beauty of life while it lasts.

Founder and CEO of PLAT!NUM PARK Audrè Dabney, has always been driven by success. Starting at a young age, Audrè has had numerous business ideas. In February of 2021, he made his dream of being an entrepreneur into a reality. He started his own clothing brand that he worked on and designed for almost a year. He named it “Plat!num Park” with the hopes of inspiring others around him to live a life beyond which they can imagine and make the most of every moment. Hence the saying, “Stop Living Like You’re Coming Back.” Audrè is led by John 10:10, which states: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” He is led by this scripture because it shows that God’s will for us is to live life abundantly at all times.